“Convey my teaching (to the people) even if it were one sentence” [Sahih Bukhari 3461]
Complete Muwatta Malik (61 Books, 1861 Hadith)
Book 1: The Times of Prayer (Hadith 1 - 32/1861)
Book 2: Purity (Hadith 33 - 146/1861)
Book 3: Prayer (Hadith 147 - 222/1861)
Book 4: Forgetfulness in Prayer (Hadith 223 - 225/1861)
Book 5: Jumu'a (Hadith 226 - 246/1861)
Book 6: Prayer in Ramadan (Hadith 247 - 254/1861)
Book 7: Tahajjud (Hadith 255 - 287/1861)
Book 8: Prayer in Congregation (Hadith 288 - 328/1861)
Book 9: Shortening the Prayer (Hadith 329 - 430/1861)
Book 10: The Two 'Ids (Hadith 431 - 443/1861)
Book 11: The Fear Prayer (Hadith 444 - 447/1861)
Book 12: The Eclipse Prayer (Hadith 448 - 451/1861)
Book 13: Asking for Rain (Hadith 452 - 457/1861)
Book 14: The Qibla (Hadith 458 - 472/1861)
Book 15: The Qur'an (Hadith 473 - 522/1861)
Book 16: Burials (Hadith 523 - 580/1861)
Book 17: Zakat (Hadith 581 - 632/1861)
Book 18: Fasting (Hadith 633 - 692/1861)
Book 19: I'tikaf in Ramadan (Hadith 693 - 707/1861)
Book 20: Hajj (Hadith 708 - 961/1861)
Book 21: Jihad (Hadith 962 - 1011/1861)
Book 22: Vows and Oaths (Hadith 1012 - 1030/1861)
Book 23: Sacrificial Animals (Hadith 1031 - 1044/1861)
Book 24: Slaughtering Animals (Hadith 1045 - 1054/1861)
Book 25: Game (Hadith 1055 - 1069/1861)
Book 26: The 'Aqiqa (Hadith 1070 - 1076/1861)
Book 27: Fara'id (Hadith 1077 - 1093/1861)
Book 28: Marriage (Hadith 1094 - 1152/1861)
Book 29: Divorce (Hadith 1153 - 1274/1861)
Book 30: Suckling (Hadith 1275 - 1292/1861)
Book 31: Business Transactions (Hadith 1293 - 1388/1861)
Book 32: Qirad (Hadith 1389 - 1390/1861)
Book 33: Sharecropping (Hadith 1391 - 1392/1861)
Book 34: Renting Land (Hadith 1393 - 1397/1861)
Book 35: Pre-emption in Property (Hadith 1398 - 1401/1861)
Book 36: Judgements (Hadith 1402 - 1457/1861)
Book 37: Wills and Testaments (Hadith 1458 - 1466/1861)
Book 38: Setting Free and Wala' (Hadith 1467 - 1491/1861)
Book 39: The Mukatab (Hadith 1492 - 1499/1861)
Book 41: Hudud (Hadith 1500 - 1502/1861)
Book 40: The Mudabbar (Hadith 1503 - 1539/1861)
Book 42: Drinks (Hadith 1540 - 1554/1861)
Book 43: Blood-Money (Hadith 1555 - 1598/1861)
Book 44: The Oath of Qasama (Hadith 1599 - 1600/1861)
Book 45: Madina (Hadith 1601 - 1625/1861)
Book 46: The Decree (Hadith 1626 - 1635/1861)
Book 47: Good Character (Hadith 1636 - 1653/1861)
Book 48: Dress (Hadith 1654 - 1673/1861)
Book 49: The Description of the Prophet, may Allah Bless Him and Grant Him Peace (Hadith 1674 - 1713/1861)
Book 50: The Evil Eye (Hadith 1714 - 1732/1861)
Book 51: Hair (Hadith 1733 - 1749/1861)
Book 52: Visions (Hadith 1750 - 1758/1861)
Book 53: Greetings (Hadith 1759 - 1765/1861)
Book 54: General Subjects (Hadith 1766 - 1810/1861)
Book 55: The Oath of Allegiance (Hadith 1811 - 1813/1861)
Book 56: Speech (Hadith 1814 - 1841/1861)
Book 57: Jahannam (Hadith 1842 - 1843/1861)
Book 58: Sadaqa (Hadith 1844 - 1858/1861)
Book 59: Knowledge (Hadith 1859 - 1859/1861)
Book 60: The Supplication of the Unjustly Wronged (Hadith 1860 - 1860/1861)
Book 61: The Names of the Prophet, may Allah Bless Him and Grant Him Peace (Hadith 1861 - 1861/1861)
Quran English Translation
Complete Sahih Bukhari Bookwise
Sahih Bukhari Book 92
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Complete Jami At Tirmidhi Chapterwise