“Convey my teaching (to the people) even if it were one sentence” [Sahih Bukhari 3461]

Support QNS Academy

As SalamuAlaikum,

The purpose of this letter is to request your assistance in securing funds for the hadith Audio & Video Production Project which will be available in the website and YouTube.

With your generous donations we will be able to complete the project successfully and any amount that you pledge will help us in achieving our goal. We are looking for monthly or one-time pledges. We also accept Zakat as a financial contribution. Any amount donated would be greatly appreciated.

Current and forthcoming Audio Production Projects:

(a)   Sahih Bukhari 7563 individual hadith audio clips and chapter wise YouTube video   

(b)   Sahih Muslim 7563 individual hadith audio clips and chapter wise YouTube video

(c)   Sunan Abu Daud 5254 individual hadith audio clips and chapter wise YouTube video

(d)    Sunan An Nasai 5761 individual hadith audio clips, and chapter wise YouTube video

(e)   Sunan Ibn Majah 4341 individual hadith audio clips, and chapter wise YouTube video


Project Completed:

(a)   Sahih Muslim 1836/7563 audio hadith completed and 310/1339 chapter wise video available in YouTube

(b)   Sahih Bukhari 58/7563 individual hadith audio clips and chapter wise YouTube video 

(C)   Sunan Ibn Majah 122/4341 individual hadith audio clips, and chapter wise YouTube video

(d)  Jami at Tirmidhi Audio (3956 Hadith, 2319 chapter wise video in YouTube)

(e)    Hadith Qudsi Audio (40 Hadith, 40 videos in YouTube)

(f)   Sahih Al-Bukhari Audio (7563 Hadith, 1512 videos in YouTube, 5 hadith per video, Machine Voice)

(g)    Downloadable hadith pdf books and audio clips are available at www.qnsacademy.com

(h)    Completed audio projects are available in the QNS Academy website and YouTube channel

Who we are:

Quran and Sunnah Academy (QNSA) is a non-profit organization registered in Canada. QNSA aims to provide Islamic knowledge to remind Muslims about their religious obligations to Allah, to themselves, to their families, and to their society, while working to strength individuals’ Islamic identity and feelings of belonging. QNSA also aims to educate the general public about Islam through the authentic sources of the Quran & Sunnah in order to provide a better understanding of Islam and Muslims.


Contact us:

Please feel free to contact  at [email protected]. We do appreciate your comments on the channel and www.qnsacademy.com website.

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